Co- Secretary, Administrator, Organiser, Networker & Connector, Dancer, Poet and Daughter.
Former transformational festival co-creator at Prana Festivals, Coromandel.
I am passionate about health on all levels and want to work with holistic paradigm models - healthy, happy people are more likely to co-create a world that works for the good of all. I believe that fostering connection between people will help heal many of today’s societal emotional, mental and physical ailments.
My political focus is rooted in my motivation to become more engaged. Recently it has become more urgent for me to take more control over my own life. I heard a quote recently, ‘If you do not know your rights, you do not have them’. This woke me up. It is about standing up out of my own complacency and learning to harmonise this new political engagement with the spiritual wisdom I already carry. I choose to dedicate myself to activities which give purpose to my life and to the lives of others because I know that we are all interconnected. It’s an eco-system…‘I am you and you are me’ is a knowing I hold deep in my heart. 

Having the opportunity as an administrator/secretary of Yes Aotearoa to work towards this vision of co-creating a more positive life for everyone gives me a sense of meaningfulness, a way to contribute towards a vibrant and positive future society we can all feel part of. We can empower and enable ourselves to create change by keeping democracy alive, giving everyone a voice and working together collaboratively for the highest good.

My maternal ancestors, including my great-great-grand-aunt Kate Sheppard, sailed here from Liverpool, settling in Christchurch in the 1800’s. My mother was born in Taranaki and grew up in Wellington. As a young woman she flew across the world in the 70’s and met my father, a Dutchman in The Netherlands. I was born there in an agrarian village farmhouse, was raised in India and emigrated to New Zealand-Aotearoa when I was 11. I have traveled and lived in many different countries and cultures and consider myself a global citizen. 
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